Since, like anyone else, I receive tons of scam emails and snail mail letters, I decided to present here some of these. All of these (and many more which I just delete) are scams. This means, what the senders have in mind is to racket one of us. And according to what I've seen, they do succeed quite often.
If you have similar letters in your mailbox, either disregard or play with the person knowing that you can't give him (or her) any information about:
Your bank account,
Your address — or any valid address if that matter,
Your family, and
any other information that you judge private or even intimate.
Ha! I say "Your"... even if you don't like your neighbor at all, don't give his information either. The Internet leaves tracks (hackers in the US are being caught one after another!) and you would certainly be in even bigger trouble.
In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy reading these letters as I do myself once in a while. 8-)
I do not always add comments with the letters since I usually don't have time to do so, but there would often be a lot of joke to tell!

Latest Scams |
Last update: 06/09/2010
The link below was:
That happens all the time, I'm sure. Now what they can do with your craigslist account is post even more ads. That's about it. But that's probably not the type of ads you'd want to see posted from your account...
Anyway, the name is wrong and the link is definitively not pointing to the right place! 8-)
Last update: 02/19/2014
Here we go. I wonder how many levels of this we'll have.
So this time you want to send your info to Mr Clever (a.k.a. Rev Peter Clever) who may very well exist, but, you know... That's not a clever name. That's all I'd say.
I guess I'll have to stop contacting these people. Who did I contact already?!
Note how Mrs Rose describes herself as a US citizen of 49. Why do I need her age already?!
To bad the email was actually not sent to me... unless I changed name not too long ago to "undisclosed recipient". That would be a quite popular name I think.
And he's ...
Last update: 05/29/2010
Good one! This is an interesting morphing of the usual Nigerian scam emails.
Last update: 06/03/2010
Lately I have been receiving a few more viruses than usual.
The email here was accompagned with a .zip which itself included a .exe file.
Last update: 05/11/2010
Now a days, I often receive comments on one of my websites that look like the following...
I'm just wondering, who would post something like that and why? What's the interest of posting a total non-sense message with links that point to non-existant websites?!?
I'm really wondering, so if you have an answer, I'd be really interested!!! Please, post a comment below to let me know why there are such brain dead people on the Earth!
Last update: 04/21/2010
Ha! Ha!
This guy sent a first email saying "I go by the name of Chen".
I replied saying "So... you go by the name Chen and your alias is Crook?"
And here is his reply! 8-)
Am I apprehensive? Is that my problem?!
Last update: 04/20/2010
In that message, all the links were pointing to the exact same place:
And if it really were PCH, I would think that they would not use a .cc domain... what do you think?
Clicks on the email (to know whether you looked at it) were tracked by a GIF image of size 1x1.
Last update: 03/23/2010
I thought that this one entry would make do well for scam #400. 8-)
Last update: 03/21/2010
Okay, I understand that they want to sell you those pills, and in itself, that's fine. (Okay, except that was a totally unsollicited email...) Now, that's understandable, but really... look at that image?! It's warped as if you had applied a CAPTCHA to it. Already, it's annoying to have to answer CAPTCHA, but to do that to get my Viagra... really?!
Last update: 03/18/2010
I like this subject, it's a letter of intent... that's a quite good one!
And of course, that Nigerian has an email address in Japan...