Since, like anyone else, I receive tons of scam emails and snail mail letters, I decided to present here some of these. All of these (and many more which I just delete) are scams. This means, what the senders have in mind is to racket one of us. And according to what I've seen, they do succeed quite often.
If you have similar letters in your mailbox, either disregard or play with the person knowing that you can't give him (or her) any information about:
Your bank account,
Your address — or any valid address if that matter,
Your family, and
any other information that you judge private or even intimate.
Ha! I say "Your"... even if you don't like your neighbor at all, don't give his information either. The Internet leaves tracks (hackers in the US are being caught one after another!) and you would certainly be in even bigger trouble.
In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy reading these letters as I do myself once in a while. 8-)
I do not always add comments with the letters since I usually don't have time to do so, but there would often be a lot of joke to tell!

Latest Scams |
Last update: 02/18/2012
Received: from by substitute with [XMail 1.22 ESMTP Server]
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from <>; Sat, 1 Jul 2006 13:46:10 -0700
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From: "Apollo Chint" <>
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2006 ...
Last update: 07/06/2017
A funny one, not so much because of the email itself, but the guy just doesn't know how to write proper expressions. The grammar is otherwise mostly fine (well... it's a short one anyway).
Note that most (99%) of the sites sending you this kind of spam will claim that they are secure. A site is secure if (1) it has a currently valid certificate and (2) the pages where you pass your order [i.e. put your personal info such as your address, phone, credit card info] are secure. A secure page starts with https://... and when you enter these pages your browser doesn't warn you about the ...
Last update: 10/31/2009
Hey! Never been in Africa, and even though some say they speak English, French or German, when they do they use many words the wrong way. But this one is funny: A Law Firm of Advocates...
Note that in French we translate Attorney as Avocat. So that's most certainly the French word poorly translated to English. Still quite funny! 8-)
Last update: 10/31/2009
Okay, maintenant ça fait 2 fois que je reçois cette email. Donc je la liste. C'est évident que l'Aziz c'est une tête de turc dans tout ça! Ou plutôt, il n'existe pas!
Tiens alors c'est tout en français et je suis pas inscris à facebox et le mec il habite en Espagne. Hé! J'suis en Californie la... Je vois pas trop la connection!?
Bon, enfin... 10 millions de gens auraient rien d'autre a faire que d'aller sur FaceBox on dirait!
Last update: 10/31/2009
I like the name on this one 8-).
Last update: 02/18/2012
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Last update: 10/31/2009
These idiots make it so complicated on themselves so as to make sure that the anti-spam
do not stop their emails that I cannot even read them (not like I read Italian much, but
I can tell the difference between a 80 characters words and Italian, somehow.)
Last update: 10/31/2009
Here there is a really good letter. I mean, really believable
to my point of view, that is, if you have a Barclays bank
Of course, the comment at the end that you have to act in 48h
gave me the insight (he! he!). A bank would give you at least
30 days, if not 60, to remedy to such problems. And holding
your funds is better than losing it to some phisher...
Last update: 10/31/2009
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