What does Sandhi Schimmel Gold and Scam have in common?

Sandhi Schimmel Gold with Billy Bush and a picture of him by her.Today I found an interesting article about spam...

Sandhi Schimmel Gold loves receiving spam (maybe I should divert my pipe in her general direction...)


Because she uses it to create art! Paintings of famous people.

Oh! Yeah... that's not the spam you get in your electronic mail. She uses the news paper, marketing letters, etc. to do collages.

Too bad.

Well... at least one person gets nearly all her raw materials for free!

Re: What does Sandhi Schimmel Gold and Scam have in common?

No, not SCAM or SPAM. Sandhi uses DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISING- JUNK MAIL [paper] as her medium.

Re: What does Sandhi Schimmel Gold and Scam have in common?

Yes. If you read the article in its entirety, I do mention, fairly clearly, that's paper spam (and maybe once in a while a scam too.)