Been trying to reach you!

My Stimulus did not arrive yet?! But Sheryl is going to help me with that.

Note one thing: below she says "US Citizens". It is actually incorrect, it's available to all tax payers and the amount depends on how much taxes you paid the year(s?) before. So you could be Mexican or even Canadian and still receive your stimulus check.

Oh! But there isn't another one coming, is there?

Btw, I like Obama talk... one day he says: "We'll put the taxes back to normal!" (normal == richer people paying much higher rates such as 55%) and then the next day: "We'll send you a stimulus check". Why wouldn't the government just not ask people to pay that money in the first place?! At least, we'd save all of the costs of managing such a scheme. Yes, it looks like money changes hand, but since everything will cost more within 6 months, it really doesn't help, does it?

Subject: Been trying to reach you!
From: "Sheryl" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 16:15:19 -0500
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This is from our Stimulus Department.

We've been trying to reach you in order to deliver
your financial aid package.
Important: Confirm your details.

You are eligible for this financial aid package because
you are a U.S. citizen and have not received a stimulus check yet?

Visit this website for more information.

Best Regards,
Stimulus Department