Get paid to play games?!

Okay! There is really nothing wrong with playing games, nor is there with the companies providing these games. But when I read the following advert (a bit edited to not give the names away, these are legitimate businesses) I feel like something is wrong here.

The black areas are extra text at the top and different games screenshots or cover picture.

What do you read here? That you are going to earn money playing games. Well... let's read the fine print: for every $1 invested, earn nearly $0.05 (i.e. yes! 5 cents!) in your account.

Maybe I should have continued school because I probably don't understand the math here. If I give you $1, you will give me 5 cents back and that's a great deal? Let me think for a minute.... Could it be that if I were to pay you $0.95 instead, I would not get paid, but I would be spending the same amount anyway? Or am I out of it here?? Does that mean you are simply giving me 5% back? Time for me to use my credit card! This 5% plus the 5% on my credit card, I'm going to play these games at 10% less than the real cost...

Some times I'm really wondering about these things...