Sali Mabo—With due respect
Invitation en français, entry in English. Rigolo! 8-)
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Vous êtes invité :: | With due respect | |
Par votre hôte: | Sali Mabo | |
Date: | dimanche 6 septembre 2009 | |
Heure: | 5h 00 - 6h 00 (GMT+00:00) | |
Rue: | With due respect, I am Barrister Sali the personal resident Attorney here in Burkina Faso to Dr. Eric Morgan, from United States of America, who died along with his wife and only daughter in event of terrorist attack on 11th September 2001 world trade centre. My client was having an abandon sum of Thirty Million Five Hundred thousand united state dollars ($30.5m USD) with African Development Bank Burkina Faso. I am proposing to transfer this money into your account as a deal, if interested reply to barr.s.maboa@hotmail.com) thanks, barr. Sali Mabo | |
Viendrez-vous ? | Répondre à cette invitation |