Urgent:Please give your attention to this BBB case
The BBB letting me know that I've done something wrong... okay... maybe. Although I'm not registered there.
Now what was very funny about this one (outside of the fact I received it twice which quickly tells you that's crap,) is the fact that copies were sent to Russian email addresses. Although some mail.ru users may have businesses in the US, the likelyhood of 30 of them using the Better Business Bureau (BBB) is much closer to zero than anything else. I just thought that was very funny.
Oh! And one of those emails is: fuck.you@mail.ru which is very nice I think. I'm sure the email was nicely received.
To the Urgent Attention of the Owner/ Manager! Re: Case # 045632704121 The Better Business Bureau is sending you this message, because one of your clients has recently forwarded us a claim relative to their business relations with you. Please use the link below to find the information about the complaint: http://www.bbb.org/ [note: the link was pointing to aboutsurvival.info/bsxL3myt/index.html] In order to save your time and good customer relations, please send to the BBB a statement of your position concerning this issue in written form by January 31, 2012 . Your reluctance to promptly give attention to this subject may have an influence on the Reliability Report we give to consumers about your company. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Stephanie Jones Dispute Counselor snieves@utah.bbb.org |
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