Andrews Paul—The fund is free from drug and laundering

Lucky us: this fund is not linked to drug and other unlawful activities! Well... what fund? anyway? 8-)

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Subject:	Be Honest In This Property Investment
Date:		Thu, 22 Jun 2006 10:15:06 +0200
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                          ANDREWS  PAUL CONSULTANCY
          (  Accredited  Estate Brokers  &  Financial Consultant )
Tel : +39 348  868 97 92                                                       Fax : +39 055 537 1084

Our Ref:  01 /00 /  20-06-06                   Your  Ref : 00/ 00 / 20-06-06
                                                                                              Date : 20/ 06 / 2006
                                         RE: INVESTMENT REQUEST
I am a financial consultant based here in Torino , Italy. I have a client
(a widow) from Zimbabwe and she has Fifteen million United States Dollars
only ( US$15,000,000 .00 ) deposited by her late husband in an escrow
account with the South African Reserve Bank ( SARB ).
She has indicated her interest to invest in your country, hence my
contacting you.
Her interest is in investment / properties with potentials for rapid growth
in long terms.
My client is interested in placing part of her fund in your Company or in
properties, if your country's bi-laws allows foreign investment. And sh e
is willing to offer you 15% of the total fund if you can assist her
transfer this fund to your country or any bank of your wish and assisting
in investing it as well.
You can contact me for more details via Phone , Fax or this email
( )  for more details.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Andrews Paul
NB: The fund is free from drug and laundering related offences and this
transaction need utmost confidentiality.