Since, like anyone else, I receive tons of scam emails and snail mail letters, I decided to present here some of these. All of these (and many more which I just delete) are scams. This means, what the senders have in mind is to racket one of us. And according to what I've seen, they do succeed quite often.
If you have similar letters in your mailbox, either disregard or play with the person knowing that you can't give him (or her) any information about:
Your bank account,
Your address — or any valid address if that matter,
Your family, and
any other information that you judge private or even intimate.
Ha! I say "Your"... even if you don't like your neighbor at all, don't give his information either. The Internet leaves tracks (hackers in the US are being caught one after another!) and you would certainly be in even bigger trouble.
In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy reading these letters as I do myself once in a while. 8-)
I do not always add comments with the letters since I usually don't have time to do so, but there would often be a lot of joke to tell!

Latest Scams |
Last update: 10/09/2009
Ha! Ha! Right. A bank buys another and you have to check your ATM card or you'll lose it. Well... ATM ain't Credit Card and if you lose it, just switch bank...
And of course, it was emailed to "undisclosed recipients"...
Last update: 02/19/2014
Je suppose qu'ils savent que j'ai un compte a Hé ben non! J'habite même pas en France!
Maintenant, je dois dire que cette lettre semble être une copie d'une vrai lettre que Orange aurait envoyé quelques jours plus tôt. Les bannières sont de chez Orange (que je rectifié point de vue taille, dans l'email c'etait étendu horizontallement et c'était bien moche.)
Bon, ceci dit, si vous avez des questions, téléphonez a et ignorez ce message.
Return-Path: ...
Last update: 10/31/2009
See the directory of Aetna wrote to me about my statement. Cool hey?!
Last update: 10/08/2009
This one, I received it 9 times in a row! 8-)
Last update: 10/07/2009
There you go. A guy who offers loans from $5k to $100M. Although he is in the U.K. and the form includes this "Country: ..." field. Yeah... now loans can be done inter-country, no problem. I mean, good luck.
If you need money, just don't do it via email, okay!? Unless you already met the very person you are communicating with.
Last update: 10/04/2009
There, you have it... the usual person sending you an email from email A, asking to answer on email B and in some ways asking you for all your info...
Last update: 09/26/2009
Hmmm... Half German, half English from the Austrian Embassy in the UK and what is it about? Oh! Yeah! USA LOTTORY... How often are governments giving away their lottery money to strangers in another country and through a different country and to people who never played that lottery?!
Last update: 09/24/2009
See... they don't all come from Africa. This one is from Hong Kong.
Last update: 09/19/2009
Notice the URL in this one? It's real bad. It end with the "correct" URL, but it is so long that it is likely you will miss that part 8-)
Last update: 09/18/2009
I'm posting this one because it included a virus inside a zip file. First of all, I very rarely seen people taking the time to zip anything when emailing something as small as an invoice. Most of the time, the invoice will be a PDF or a MS-Word document. Note that this zip file included an executable which could very well look like an Excel file... so many people could very well open these virus (or trojan.) I don't use MS-Windows much at all, so that does not affect me, but you watch out!