Since, like anyone else, I receive tons of scam emails and snail mail letters, I decided to present here some of these. All of these (and many more which I just delete) are scams. This means, what the senders have in mind is to racket one of us. And according to what I've seen, they do succeed quite often.
If you have similar letters in your mailbox, either disregard or play with the person knowing that you can't give him (or her) any information about:
Your bank account,
Your address — or any valid address if that matter,
Your family, and
any other information that you judge private or even intimate.
Ha! I say "Your"... even if you don't like your neighbor at all, don't give his information either. The Internet leaves tracks (hackers in the US are being caught one after another!) and you would certainly be in even bigger trouble.
In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy reading these letters as I do myself once in a while. 8-)
I do not always add comments with the letters since I usually don't have time to do so, but there would often be a lot of joke to tell!

Latest Scams |
Last update: 09/06/2022
There are a whooping 0 charities that can offer you $1M or even just $10k. It's not their business to give money away. It's their business to help people in need so if you "won some prize online" for which you never participated, guess what, it's not real.
Not too long ago I received a message by someone who pretends to be named Kevin Victor Davis (possibly a ...
Last update: 04/21/2021
I see more and more of these "I recorded you masturbate, send me bit coins now!" so I wanted to post about it.
Here is one I got today...
I guess for now, there is the fact that they want bitcoins and quite many will not know how to deal with that. So that would be it here.
For those who believe the email and work on getting the money together, when stop there! It's a scam, not reality. Keep in mind that such emails are sent to hundred of thousands of email addresses if not millions. Here I receive this one to an email address which is NOT personal. So completely random for ...
Last update: 11/08/2020
Celui-ci est en français. J'ai un ami dont le père (apparement...) veux me parler. Bon, je vais l'appeler Machin Chose pour ne pas dévoiler son identité réelle.
Je sais très bien que ce n'est pas lui. ll est d'une autre génération et il ne parlerait pas comme ça et je serais très certainement la dernière personne à qui il parlerait comme ça...
Date quand la conversation a commencée: Octobre 22, 2020
Permier message
Puis-je te parler ?
par courriel !
Machin Chose
Last update: 10/06/2020
This one was interesting. I don't recall seeing one about Canada's offer to "skilled workers", which is a real thing there.
Obviously, you have to reach out first. There are no government that reaches out blindly to anyone. Although for some people, they may be offered an automatic VISA, that's really rare and you'd know if you could possibly receive such (i.e. are you a genius?).
Obviously, this is a scam. They will probably ask you to pay some random fee for a form (even though they just said everything was going to be free). The best way to verify such things is ...
Last update: 10/23/2018
Here is another one where the hacker says he's got control of my email account. He even provides a password (coucouc5) shown in the subject.
Clearly, I'm not using that password and now it's 100% public (I've actually found it on PasteBin along many other passwords.)
Obviously I know that's just a hacker trying to make free money so I'll be prudent indeed and not them him anything. That being said, I hope you won't either!
Similarly, I had a "I hacked your phone" message not that long ago. Same principal, and it includes a phone number I owned, only... ...
Last update: 10/20/2018
Today I got this email from "America" Express. (Look at the link)
Apparently, I'm a dear "CWHAT-TO-DO"... Very funny! 
The link was really sending you to:
Obviously, nothing to do with American Express.
I have an American Expression card, and by default they sent me an email like 3 days before payment was due. I'm sure that was on purpose. Nothing before that even though they could send you an email 2 weeks earlier. So I'm not fund of that credit card policies. I kept it because it's practical when traveling to pay hotels. ...
Last update: 08/13/2018
There is another one where this person pretends that he has a video of me watching porn. Only my desktop doesn't have a camera, it wasn't hacked (yes, I have tools to tell), and the phone number referenced is a landline (not a cellphone). Plus on a phone you don't have a webcam, do you? Well... maybe some people call it that way on the phones.
Anyway, all wrong :-)
That being said, I could understand that some people could be wondering about such messages. However, if you give in once, what do you think will happen?! They'll try again, suck you dry. Once all your savings are ...
Last update: 10/18/2018
Here is a ransom request from a dude "who's not in my country so I can talk to the cops as much as I want anyway..."
I think I'll let the 48 or 72 hours lapse and see what happens. 
Of course, the bitcoin scheme is great, it's much harder to track who this is than using the banking account numbers since those bank accounts are readily accessible to cops from anywhere in the world (that's one thing all countries of the world have agreed upon! The so called fiscal paradises exist for tax evasion, but not criminals.)
What's interesting is that they give you an ...
Last update: 07/15/2018
I thought this one was funny because the title mentioned one price and the body another.
If you want to be credible, you should make it so it matches. $15k is already a lot of money for a lot of people, but if your read the title closely, your expectation was $67k already... A one year salary right there!
It's one of those where you have an "Unsubscribe Here" at the very bottom, you'll have to scroll a bit to find that statement, though. Obviously, you shouldn't unsubscribe from crap emails like these.
The links go to a .trade, I suppose it got hacked, somehow. I did ...
Last update: 07/10/2018
Today, I received this email, plain text, telling me that I was hacked and that to remove the "virus" I'd need to pay $370 to some random stranger and that the payment has to be made in bitcoin (great way of not being tracked.)
Oh and I can be given 24 hours extra, just in case the 24 hours ultimatum was not enough.
And that's funny he mentioned that talking with the cops would be useless. The bitcoin transaction may be pretty much safe for him, but not the emails. Those can be tracked anywhere in the world. Not like I'm going to do anything about it, just something to ...