5,501 emails in one batch!

Wow! Today I received a scam 5,501 times in a row! It was like a one time shot of the same email 5,501 times.

Darn! It happened again today. I'm wondering whether that's really the spammers or if something goes wrong in the postfix/thunderbird brains because the message is exactly the same. Today it is repeated only 5062 times, but still. That's quite a bit, isn't it?!

There is the mailbox screenshot that shows the count:

Gevala Coffee Spam mailbox screenshot

Could be a bug in the spammer code that was supposed to send the email to 5,501 people but used the first email only...

The URL was to a .cc as follow:


In any event, the email went like this (without the pictures):

Slow Roasted Flavor.
 Iced To Perfection.

Choose 2 boxes of Gevalia and we'll send you all this for just $22.95.

(ye s that means a free coffee maker, canister and coffee mug)

Order Now

Love your coffee or it's free.  No Obligation

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