Earthquake in Indonesia...

There you go, not only do I receive this one, but when I check with Google, they (Google themselves) actually ask me to send money to help people there! What a world... I like the name of the guy too! Mr.M.M.W.

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Date: Sun,  5 Dec 2010 11:44:10 -0500 (EST)

Let's Show Some Care,

I am sending you this email through the internet with reservations basically because you may perceive my intentions wrongly.

However I have no choice but to use this medium "THE INTERNET" to establish contact and share a very sensitive issue with you concerning the prevalent earthquakes that has consistently struck my country (INDONESIA) in recent times.

My reason for contacting you is in respect of humanitarian aid that I want you to execute on my behalf towards ameliorating the plight of my people.

On your response via my email address, I will send you the details and more information about myself and the program.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. M.M.W.